Social, emotional and communication skills are as important to your child’s development as academic skills. Research shows children with high emotional intelligence and communication skills experience greater success.
The Top Ten Social Skills Every Child Should Know
Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s perspective. Your child can understand the emotion of another. Your child can be curious about their peers’ thoughts, ideas, and perspectives even if they differ from their own experience.
Brene Brown’s research in Atlas of the Heart pg 118 defines compassion as the daily practice of recognizing and accepting our shared humanity so that we treat ourselves and others with loving-kindness; we take action in the face of suffering. Compassion is the practice of empathy.
Being able to take turns
Your child has the ability to wait their turn. Your child can allow others to go first. When your child can not go first, it is important that your child can kindly wait their turn. While your child is waiting, they can encourage their teammates and classmates. Your child is willing to help another be successful.
Cooperation is understanding and balancing one’s own needs and the needs of the group. It is working together on a common goal with kindness, perspective-taking, and patience to achieve an outcome.
You would know your child needs to grow in this skill if they take over telling everyone what to do. It is also worrisome when they cannot hear their teammates’ ideas and perspectives.
Emotional awareness
Emotional awareness is your child’s ability to identify emotions in their body and label their emotional experience. This is an important part of social-emotional learning. Research shows if we can identify and label our emotions, it is easier to cope with them.
If you want to learn more about emotions, try reading Brene Brown’s book Atlas of the Heart. She shares the research and meaning of 87 different emotions.
Emotional regulation and self-regulation
Emotional regulation is not the stuffing or pushing down of emotions. It is not acting out and exploding when experiencing strong emotions. Emotional regulation is the ability to cope with one’s emotions in a healthy way. There are many benefits to healthily coping with emotions, such as increased life satisfaction, meaningful relationships, and success in school and career.
Successful kids feel confident and capable. There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Arrogance is thinking one is better than another. Confidence is taking pride in one’s abilities and giving your best.
Your child can take care of their daily tasks that are appropriate for their age. For example, a young child can get dressed and brush their teeth by themselves. In an older child, they remember their homework and complete it on time.
Your child is aware of themself. They can identify what they need to be successful and how others may perceive their actions. Help your child in a non-shaming way become aware of who they are and what they need.
Conflict resolution
Being able to work together on a common goal and solve problems as they arise. It is important that your child knows how to listen, and hear their peer’s perspective. Your child can also share their perspective with kindness and tact. Compromise and perspective-taking are essential factors in conflict resolution.
Social skills are learned over time. With your child, practice these ten social skills.